

Beavers Scouts have fun outdoors, try new skills, explore the world around you and do all of this while making loads of new friends.

We’re open to all girls and boys aged between 6 and 8. We have two colonies: River Test colony on Wednesday evenings and Blackwater colony on Tuesday evenings.

You can join our register of interest here and ask them any questions by emailing [email protected].


Every week for most of the year (holidays are the exception) Beavers meet up to learn new skills, discover the world around us, make new friends and generally have fun!

Our programme includes a mix of annual events such as camps and sleepovers, the Fawn Trophy and our big summer get-together with the other colonies. On top of this we do visits out to local services, we get creative with music, drama and the more messy activities! We learn about the world around us looking at other cultures, trying their food, learning about religion and disability.

Most of all it’s flexible. We do quite a lot and its really easy for the Beaver Scouts to work on that more to get badges!

Optional Extras

When you come to Beavers we only ask that you bring your Uniform and a smile. (We can help parents with supplying the former). But if you want to enhance Beavers, then this can be done through several accessories and items. Most can be found at Scout Store.

Useful Links

Facebook group

There is a Facebook group for current parents and carers of the Beaver Scouts for asking questions and sharing information about upcoming events.

As a closed group, you must be on Facebook and inside the group to see its content. We normally admit parents after your child’s investiture.