Health and Safety

Cubs scout on high ropes

We prepare young people with skills for life. But this also needs to happen in a safe environment. This page contains resources, risk assessments and guidance for our volunteers to help them provide that safe environment where our Scouts’ safety comes first.

As part of our programme, we regularly teach our young people how to be safe, in real life and online, through badges, resources, videos and in instructions with particular activities.

Some of these resources and videos can be found on the Scouts website here.

If you find anything that is out of date, contact us at [email protected] and we’ll get it sorted for you.

Risk assessments

Risk Assessing is one way in which we run safe activities and keep our HQ in good order. As part of their training, Leaders complete these assessments for any activity they take part in.

When we risk assess, we must share what we find with others. Therefore, the sharing of written risk assessments is the best way. These should be reviewed before every activity and as often as needed during the activity. (POR

To help with these, there is a general risk assessment for use of the HQ. These are updated each year and it the Group Board of Trustees must assure themselves this has been carried out.

Paper copies can be found in the kitchen in the HQ Safety Folder and online versions can be found below.