Here is where the fun really begins! Learn new skills, go and explore, spend time away from home but most of all have the time of your life. This section of the Scouting journey is for all girls and boys aged between 8 and 10½.
We have two Cub packs: Endeavour Cub pack meets on Tuesday evenings, while Discovery Cub pack meets on Wednesday evenings.
You can join our register of interest now or if you have any questions, direct them to Sarah or Craig at [email protected].

Cub Scouts take part in a hugely diverse programme. It includes outdoor skills, camps and other residential experiences and adventurous activities. Outside of this Cubs gain new skills, discover how to keep fit and healthy, express themselves, engage with their local community and learn about the wider world around them.
We also take part in lots of big events throughout the year, including six-a-side football, swimming, larger camps with other groups to name but a few. Even better, our Cubs have a say in how their programme is run so it always remains relevant to them.
Both Endeavour and Discovery Cub packs follow the same programme week-to-week on different nights. Find out what they are doing this term by contacting the leaders.
Optional Extras
There are several accessories that are available for Cub Scouts during their time in Cubs. There is a wide variety, all available direct through Scout Store with some available at uniform suppliers (find out more about how to get uniform here).
Useful Links
- Activity Badges and Staged Activity Badges
- Challenge and Chief Scout’s Silver Awards
- Where do the badges go on the uniform?
Facebook group

Endeavour and Discovery has a Facebook Group specifically for the parents and guardians of the Cubs themselves.
Please note: Facebook has a minimum age of 13 so Cubs will be unable to join the group directly. You must be on Facebook to view the contents of this group. If you are unable to access it, simply speak to Craig and Sarah.