Put down your phone and what are you left with? Just teamwork, courage and the skills to succeed.
So said our Chief Scout, Bear Grylls. Young people have enjoyed belonging to the Scouts since 1907 and that just couldn’t have happened without our adult volunteers. So if you’re not already part of Scouts then look below, see what we do and join us.
Aged 6-25? Step into the adventure.
Scouting is a great way to make new friends, try over 200 different activities and get out into the great outdoors. There are a wide variety of events throughout the year for all ages and to suit everybody. Learn new skills that will stay with you for life but most of all have fun!
Adults: get stuck in.
We believe young people deserve the employability, character and practical skills to succeed. And we wouldn’t be able to do that without the thousands of amazing volunteers who live in our community.
In fact around 51,000 young people can’t join Scouts nationwide because there’s so few volunteers. In short more volunteers means we all have more time to be more ambitious so our Scouts have have huge amounts of fun.
Scouting’s not the huge commitment many think it is. There are roles to suit everyone and you can give as much or as little time as you want. You don’t have to work with young people, we provide training and the skills you learn all look great on a CV. So if you’re good with kids, you’re a DIY whizz, you know a skill like first aid, you’re an ace in the kitchen or you’re good with numbers then you’ll be a great volunteer!
Who we’re looking for right now
- Can you inspire our 6 and 7 year old Scouts? We’re looking for leaders and regular helpers in our Beaver sections to help our leader team on a Wednesday night. Speak to the Beaver team to find out more.
- Could you join the pack? We’re looking for leaders and regular helpers in our Cub sections of 8 to 10 year old Scouts to help our leader team. Even once a month is enough. Speak to the Cub team to find out more.
- Do you know a practical skill you could teach? We’re always looking out for Sectional Assistants or Occasional Helpers who can help our weekly meetings to run smoothly. If you think you could help out from time to time, ask any of our leaders.
- We’re looking for parents in the Scout section to join our executive committee and become a trustee of the group. They hold the leaders to account and ensure the group is meeting the aims of Scouting. Contact us for more information.
How do I join?
You can get involved in a variety of ways:
- Come along and ask one of our leaders. If you know someone already involved they can help pass you on.
- Email [email protected] with your details and questions and we’ll pass it onto the right leader.
- Fill in your postcode at www.scouts.org.uk, pick 5th Testwood and fill in your details there.
- Phone our friends at Hampshire Scouts on 02380 847 847 and they’ll pass your details on to us.
If you have any questions then don’t hesitate to ask by email and we’ll be happy to help you.