Are you a fan of Downton Abbey?

Highclere castleThen we may have the event for you. One of Hampshire Scouting’s ambassadors is hosting a special event all about the behind the scenes action at Downton Abbey. It’s perfect for a fan of the series, or the time in which it’s set. Either way, come along and support us – every penny made will go towards helping Hampshire Scouting!


It’s on Sunday 22nd September at 2pm at Fareham Hall in Fareham. Tickets cost £12.

Also at the event will be the Spitfires’ Scout Band and Scouts from Gosport having fun in a Gang Show.
About the host:
Alistair Bruce is Sky News’ Royal Correspondent but is also, more importantly this time, a historic corespondent for the ITV programme.
The image is of Highclere Castle, Hampshire, which to many millions of people is Downton Abbey. Picture taken by Flikr user JB + UK_Planet.