We now as of today have 48 invested Cubs and 2 new Cubs who are waiting to join Scouts with their friends when they go up. 50 young people in total enjoying Cubs! We have had a good time and have done a real variety of activities.
We celebrated Chinese New Year with our young leaders planning and executing 2 very different Rat themed nights. Mang (Rose) had the Cubs make rat lanterns whilst Hathi (Oliver) play a rat themed relay race, crawling through tunnels and painting Chinese symbols. Both nights also saw a Cub favourite – The Haribo fried rice game.
We played battleships to help with grid reference reading and to test their memories. We held a Quiz Night to warm up for the District Brainbox Competition where we entered 2 teams that came 3rd & 4th overall. We went out to Ferny Crofts Scout Activity Centre for a couple of wet wide game nights. The Cubs had a great time despite the weather.
We returned to Cubs after half term & Barry invested 11 new Cubs, 7 of which swam up from Beavers. We also tried our hands at pancake art which I thought went rather well and will be repeated I’m sure. We have a few Cubs that are extremely close to gaining their silver Chief Scouts Award.
We are really looking forward to Parent and Child Camp at Pauline’s Lodge in March, where 15 couples will be facing the challenges of a galaxy far far away.
We’re looking to build the team and in particular need more adults who can help us out on section nights – Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. You don’t need to be Bear Grylls to help us, just willing to chip in when you can to run some great activities and help young people learn skills for life.
We have lots planned for the near future including Akela’s Great Egg Race, a visit from Hampshire Air Ambulance and a mobile planetarium. We will also be looking at the disability badge over the next few nights. As ever we look forward to participating in the St Georges day celebrations.