The 23rd Romsey (Testwood) Scouts’ fine new Headquarters in Blackwater Drive, Calmore, were officially opened by the County Commissioner (Mr. John Durban) on Saturday. It was a great occasion for the Group, marking the culmination of 2 years of fundraising for the purpose, also a lot of work for parents, friends and leaders to transform a building shell into the finished headquarters, possibly the best in Hampshire.
The new Headquarters is an imposing building, 70ft. x 50ft. with main and subsidiary halls, together with the associated offices, built to a design that is in keeping with the properties surrounding it, in a new Council estate, on a site of around 1.25 acres. The building was erected with the help of grants, totalling £18,000, the total cost being in excess of £26,000 [this is equal to £115,000 in 2013], the Group having saved for the building since 1966 and finding the additional £8,000 plus through various fundraising schemes and activities.
The Headquarters caters for between 150-200 boys and girls from ages seven years to 20 years. The Guides and Brownie Guides of the 2nd Testwood Company and co-operate in return by assisting in the fundraising activities of the group.
The opening was attended by about 200 adults and 100 children , who were afterwards provided with light refreshment and the ceremony provided an opportune time to make some “Thank you” presentations.
“Thanks” Badges
Mr. Roy Limbrick (Hon. Secretary of the Group Executive) received his Medal of Merit from the County Commissioner, and all the following received “Thanks” badges from the Group Scout Leader (Mr. Peter Down): Mr Stan Bundy (Chairman of the Group Executive), Mr. T. Bert Barter (Member of the Group Executive and Clerk of Worls for the Headquarters), Mr. Bob Wallace (Member of the Group Executive and paint team leader), Mr. Dave Brown (electrical team leader) and Mr. Dave Bush (carpentry team leader).
A copper work picture (to be affixed to the structure of the Headquarters) was presented to the 2nd Testwood Guide Company by Miss M. Dixon (Guide Divisional Commissioner) from the Group Executive Committee on behalf of the Group in memory of Mrs. Jill Bush (Guide Company Leader), who had passed away whilst still in office.
The cutting shown on the right and the above text was originally published in the Romsey Advertiser on the 28 October 1978.
This text remains the Copyright of the Romsey Advertiser.