Look back on the past year, enjoy some food and watch as our young people are awarded any badges they’ve earned.
Our AGM this year is on Thursday 6th July at 6.30pm at our hall on Blackwater Drive, Calmore, SO40 2QJ. We’ll try and keep it brief but it should finish before 8pm.
All parents, young people and those from our community are welcome to attend. We always try and keep it short so we can enjoy the weather and the food, as well as breaking the record for the most attending in our district. We’d love to see you then!
Welcome and introductions
Apologies for absence
Approval of the minutes from the previous meeting of the Group Scout Council (AGM).
Receiving of trustee’s annual report and accounts for 2022.
Approval of Group Scout Leader’s nomination of Group Chair
Election of Group Secretary
Election of Group Treasurer
Election of members to Trustee board (parent representatives)
Approval of Group Scout Leader’s nomination of members to Trustee board
Appointment of independent examiner, readoption of constitution and agree quorum for meetings
Presentations from sections including any awards due
Close of meeting