The New Forest at night. Quiet and sleepy you’d imagine. Not this time!
On Saturday 23 February Scouts and Explorers from all over the district gathered to walk through the cold night, solving challenges all to get their hands on one thing: The Eagle Trophy.
Two Explorer groups from Cerberus and a group from our Scouts all took part in this competition. Cerberus won the Explorer trophy again while the Scouts got a respectable 351 points. Well Done to all!
About the challenge
The Eagle Trophy is held once a year between the Scouts and Explorers of the New Forest North District. There are separate trophies for Scouts and Explorers.
To gain the all important points, the teams had to plot their route correctly and be prepared for anything. As they walked on their route, they would visit bases that would challenge them to trust each other in a string trail, make a pancake at -4 degrees, build a tower and solve the puzzle of crossing the river with all your foxes, hens and grain intact. When finished, teams were told of another secret base, worth more points, where they had to drag some barrels around a grueling course.