We’re back with our maintenance days to help improve our HQ both inside and outside.
From painting to trimming the trees there are lots of jobs you can help us with. So if you do this for a living or you’re just enthusiastic then do come along. Even if you can only lend us an hour then you’d be a great help.
Email [email protected] to ask more or speak to a leader.
So what did we achieve?
A big thank you to everyone that came along and lent a hand. We had scouts of all ages, leaders, parents and other willing volunteers lending a hand. The jobs we managed to get done are:
- We trimmed the hedges so our neighbours can get along the paths easily and to keep them looking lovely.
- We had a lovely delivery of wood and it was cut up so it can go on our woodpile under cover.
- Raked up leaves and took them to be recycled.
- The ducting from our old air heating system was removed from the HQ freeing up lots of space on the balcony and along the back wall of the HQ. This was quite a big job and they didn’t go quietly!
- Painted the back wall to hide where the ducting was.
- Installed a storage box for a new group using the hall.
- Some of the paint around the hall was touched up, although there is a lot more of this to do next time.
- Replaced the broken taps in the toilets.
- Returned our historic flags to pride of place back on the walls. They had to come down when our new heaters were installed.
- Sorted out the balcony storage.
- Cleaned the doors and windows.
- Moved the clothes bin away from a memorial tree.
Lots was completed but there is always more to do so please keep a look out for our next maintenance day. Plus a big thanks to Ian Hayes for his recent help with our heating and Andy Hunt for his recent help with the electrics. We’ll be carrying out repairs to our roof soon so there is a lot going on! Thank you once again for all your help, support and understanding.