What we’ve done together
For our Scouts a week can often seem a long time to wait until the next activity. Six months has been much harder.
We’re so proud of our Scouts of all ages in how they have coped, built new routines and shown amazing resilience. Being in the Scouts has certainly helped all of our Scouts during this time; for some it has been enough and for others they’re still working on it.
Our Scouts have done loads to keep themselves busy. Our two Cub packs of 8, 9 and 10 year old Scouts have played catch with a bog roll across the whole pack! They got it to Red Wolf just in time!
Our Scouts had loads of survival skills, scoutcraft and practical skills to have a go at throughout lockdown ready to prepare them for whatever life throws at them, be in cooking at home or living outdoors.
Our Beavers and Cubs both held their own camp at home where they all got to try new activities and camp in their front room! A first for all of us and even better showing off what Scouts is all about to their family, brothers and sisters.
And that’s before we’ve even mentioned Explorers and their record breaking run smashing the Harry Potter virtual escape room showing excellent teamwork.
So a big thank you goes to our Scouts for taking part, to our volunteer leaders for keeping activities going throughout this time period and to our parents for helping your young people every step of the way.
We’ve now got more ways than ever to keep up to date with what we’re going. You can like and follow our Facebook page at facebook.com/5thNFNScouts and follow our Twitter feed at twitter.com/5thNFNScouts or @5thNFNScouts.
Getting back together
All of our sections are planning to meet again from September but it is going to look a little different.
Our volunteer leaders will have the full details and have been letting our Scouts and parents know about them ahead of returning in September (just ask us if you haven’t got them yet). They will include:
- Meeting outside where possible and keeping our distance.
- Cleaning more often, updated facilities for hand washing inside and using hand sanitiser when you arrive and leave Scouts.
- Meeting in smaller groups: our meetings may be shorter than usual, at different times or meeting on alternate weeks. (Check with your leader.)
- Our car park will be needed so everyone can space out at the start and end of meetings so please walk or cycle to us if possible.
- New first aid equipment if it is needed and keeping registers for Track and Trace if needed.
This is just an overview so please check with your leaders to see how that will look for you.